Sund Rock

Shop Staff   May 20, 2023

Sund Rock is one of the crown jewels of Hood Canal, and very popular with new divers since currents are minimal here and shore entry is very easy. Located on the southwest side of the Canal just north of Hoodsport, this protected marine area boasts an abundance of life ranging from the usual suspects– wolf eels (many times out for a stroll), GPO’s packed into dens (sometimes on eggs!), sea whips, tiny squat lobsters waving at you, monster lingcod looking for a meal, rockfish lounging midwater, and up shallower many schools of fish making the water shimmer with life!  Head south along “the rock” to see a spectacular natural reef…spend some time peeking in all of the hideaways or go north along the “north wall” to find more wolf eels at the base of the wall and then head to the wreck, a sunken fishing vessel at a depth of 50’.  Heading back to the entry, make sure to cruise up shallower to the “fish pen” and enjoy the abundance of schooling fish and small critters hiding in the boulders and kelp!
