• Drysuit Diver

Drysuit Diver

Drysuits are a must for diving in the PNW. They increase our comfort and safety while diving in our chilly waters and let us dive all year long. In addition, divers who own drysuits tend to dive a lot more than divers who have to climb into cold wetsuits in the middle of winter. So, knowing how to dive in a drysuit is essential.


Availability: In Stock

While dry suits were once used almost exclusively for situations such as ice diving or deep wreck diving, many sport divers are now using dry suits regularly for everyday recreational dives all over the world. Perhaps you live in a cold-water climate or would just like to be warmer regardless of where you dive. If so, the Dry Suit Diver course is for you!

Included online and classroom learning, a pool practice session, and two open-water dives.

Sign up online, stop in the shop, or call 206-429-3480 to sign up today!

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Class ratio is limited to four so that you get maximum time and attention from your instructor!

All of our Continuing Education Courses require proof of your DAN (Diver's Alert Network) Dive Accident Insurance.

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